It Gets Lonely Without Her

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Ms. Julia has been gone for three days now on some kind of business trip, and it's really boring here.

I can't help but wonder that I'm being watched and recorded.

Often I stare at the air conditioning vents up by the ceiling and wonder if there's a tiny camera mounted in there. Considering how meticulous Ms. Julia can be about details, and how strict she can be about sticking to the rules, it doesn't seem beyond her to have this guest house rigged up.

She has the money to do it. And her property is already set up with security monitoring.

There are three smoke detectors in here, along with a carbon monoxide detector, I wonder if there's anything else hiding in there. There's a very large mirror mounted on the wall too, and it's fastened very securely that I can't lift it or see behind it. It makes me wonder if it's one-way glass with a camera behind it.

I guess when I'm stuck in this little place for several days straight, my mind wanders and thinks about stuff like this.

"Don't even ATTEMPT to take this cage off!" she said to me when she put it on. "If I catch you fucking with this, you be will kicked out, just as you are!"

Which is why I wonder how she might know if I was fucking with it.

She can already monitor her house from her cellphone because the security company gives her an app that lets her view the cameras remotely. But in her house, you can see the cameras mounted on the ceilings, even though they are small.

But I gotta believe they can also make very tiny cameras that can be cleverly hidden from view. Even though Ms. Julia puts a lot of trust in me, she's not a fool.

Fatima brings me three meals a day, albeit light. I do the treadmill. I watch television, and plays games on this laptop. There are books here to read, but they don't interest me right now. Otherwise, time is very monotonous when Ms. Julia is gone for days at a time.

I miss being with her, even as strict and demanding that she can be.